Our Highest Feat
I literally just
came up with this analogy, as God brought it to my memory, as I had just
watched that program about climbing Mt. Everest yesterday evening. He
is too cool :o).
enthusiastic climbers venture to conquer Mt. Everest at its summit,
they know the challenge that awaits them. They come prepared with all
kinds of gear, food, and other provisions. However, when they get to a
certain point of elevation, they have to begin to let some things go.
Thousands of articles of clothing and supplies have been found
throughout the years, on and around the mountain cliffs.
air becomes thinner as they gain altitude, requiring the need of more
oxygen. Many of the things they carry with them, must be disposed of so
that they may maintain their energy, and preserve the most precious
thing they need: oxygen, their life source, to succeed and reach their
goal; the summit; the top of the mountain.
We as believers, should be just as vigilant
and enthusiastic, if not more, about our goal-the upward call. Paul
likened it to running a race and throwing off the sin that hinders us:
"Why seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of
witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so
easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set
before us."-Hebrews 12:1
"Do you not know that in a race all
the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to
get the prize."-1 Corinthians 9:24
Paul's motivation was the
"prize" of receiving the crown of life, and eternity with his Lord and
Savior. That was Paul's "summit" that he looked forward to; his hope,
that kept him running the race, even when he sometimes did not "feel
like it."
I imagine it to be extremely uncomfortable, scary,
cold, dangerous and exhausting to climb Mt. Everest, especially all the
way to the top! People have to sacrifice their comforts, to even have
the slightest chance of reaching it. It doesn't mean they don't want the
things they left behind, but instead they know that there is something
greater...much greater that awaits them...at the top...at the finish
line, and they will do whatever it takes to make sure nothing gets in
their way. They are focused on the end result and not on the immediate
desire. For if they had focused on their immediate desires, they would
have only gotten so far...never reaching their highest potential.
Seeking Christ the entire way in this life promises no immediate
comforts. The things the Lord asks us to leave behind as we "elevate" in
Him, taking us to new levels, are things that no longer benefit us, but
actually are things that "hinder" us. Christ is the very air we
breathe. He is our "oxygen" that we need to breathe in deep at every
moment, at every level that we climb. We should do nothing to compromise
our "Life-line" in our walk/climb. It will be tempting beyond a shadow
of a doubt, in fact, expect the closer you get to that goal, for the
temptations to intensify. But as long as you've got your eyes fixed on
the "prize" and are breathing Him in deep, those things you will not
have to think twice about disposing of, for they will appear to be a
burden to you, rather than a necessity. God will be faithful to show
this to you. He by the power of His Spirit working within you, will
cause you to know the difference.
There are two things that Joyce Meyer has said that go well with this,
"A new level, a new devil" and "Your attitude will determine your altitude in life."
The greatest thing you could ever obtain is eternal life in heaven with
the living God. Your greatest mission in life, should be to seek Him,
to know Him and all that He has for you, in this life, and the next; to
please Him above yourself and to show His love to everyone He brings
into your life. This is our "mountain" to climb. This is our "conquest".
The final destination is our heavenly home. God's Salvation is the
"Summit," the guarantee that all who believe in Him through His Son,
Jesus Christ, will have eternal life with Him. Let us so passionately
pursue Him, in all our desires. The journey was never promised to be
easy...but He does promise it will be worth it. ♥
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