God still has a word for you and I, for every "season" of our lives, no matter what we are going through. He still speaks...are we listening? "The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he awakens morning by morning, he awakens my ear to hear as the learned."-Isaiah 50:4
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Treasures of the Heart
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"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." | Matthew 6:21 |
In a world full of blingin' possessions
An insatiable lust for perfection
A lack of love, guidance and direction
They can't see that their hearts are infected-Denise Jubb
If you faced Jesus right now, today, and He looking into your heart, would tell you what you treasure most, what would it be that He sees?
It is so sad to know that many people are so focused on the temporal trappings of this world. And most reject the One Treasure that trumps them all, Jesus Christ. For they think that by accepting Him, they will have to part with the things their hearts long after. They see what they will have to give up, and not at all instead, what they will gain. They see a limitless Savior, as a limiting dictator. And even the more heart wrenching, they have believed this lie, that will rob them of anything truly valuable in this life and the next. Their hearts are hardened, refusing to see and believe the Truth that came to set them free from the bondage of evil. They think that because it is all they have ever known, it is all there ever will be. How sad, to only see a piece of a much more grandiose picture. To be content in their discontent, in their constant longing for something more. If only they'd look up and call on the One who has called to them, they would no longer want, but be satisfied. Most people only want to be religious and do not want the work that comes with the relationship. They say, "I will do anything for the Lord...but I won't do that." Some will think they are appeasing God just by showing up in church on Sunday. No matter what sacrifice you bring to God, whether it's your tithing, or your time, God above all wants your obedience.
God wants the complete surrender of our will and our lives to Him. This lifelong commitment is not for the faint of heart. It is not for those who wish to mix and match other idols of the heart, alongside of their walk with God. God won't accept that, and He will not give His glory over to anyone or anything else. If you are in you are in for the long-haul, the rest of your days. When Christ mentions for us to pick up our crosses and follow Him, He was talking about the sacrifice that would be involved. It's uncomfortable at times and it requires us to die to ourselves daily.
Being a Christian can be very difficult. It doesn't mean we have an easy life after we accept Christ; that's just the very beginning. It is a long, narrow, road that leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14). It means we have to walk carefully and wisely. It means we need to pay attention and be alert as to not fall over the edge. We are in a world full of darkness.Without the Light leading the way, we will stumble and fall. It indeed is not the path of least resistance, but, it is a path, the only path that brings rewards greater than our minds could ever possibly conceive, in this life and the next. Not one sacrifice goes unnoticed to the King of kings. He is watching us.
God gave of His only Son, for us, in our place, because He loved us so much, even though we are corrupt and evil in our ways. He did this so that we could spend eternity with Him and so that His Spirit could live within us, giving us the power to change. This is a Gift...the Gift of Salvation...by grace alone, which one cannot ever earn. This is the most valuable possession one could ever withhold; faith in the Christ, who has redeemed us by His blood, a requirement for all sin. If God be the Treasure of our souls, our hearts, i.e. our affections and desires will be placed on things above. Let us seek His face today and always, to truly experience and know this abundant life that He has promised to those who believe in Him and love Him. Amen.
In the story of the the "Rich Young Ruler" (Mark 10:17-27), Christ challenges a rich young man in the one area of his heart which held the most loyalty and desire...
Now as He (Jesus) was going out on the road, one (the rich young man) came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?”
So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not bear false witness,’ ‘Do not defraud,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother.’”
And he answered and said to Him, “Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth.”
Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”
Jesus knew this man's heart. He challenged this man to leave behind that which was closest to his heart, the "#1 spot", to make room for the Lord. This is a requirement in order to really follow Christ, to really be a disciple and to faithfully serve the Cause. Unfortunately, this man walked away with great sadness, because he was not willing to give up the one thing he valued most, that Jesus asked him to release, that stood in the Lord's place of worship in his heart; his possessions and wealth. For if he had, he would've inherited eternal life and an amazing abundant life here on earth.
What the Lord moves on our hearts to leave behind, to desert, to come away from, in order to effectively follow Him, He will restore in a much better form; double for our trouble. Since God would never withhold anything "good" from us that love Him (Psalm 84:11), then we can trust that whatever we need to let go of is not beneficial for us. God knows best. He sees all and knows all. He knows that whatever we stand on or depend on more than Him, will not be able to hold us and protect us.
Now is this scripture telling us to sell all our possessions? No, not necessarily. In this man's case, it was of course wealth and possessions. In someone elses case, it could be something quite different.
You can't make your job your strength, your home your strength, your boyfriend/girlfriend-husband/wife your strength, your money your strength, your children your strength, because IN A DAY it/they all can be gone. It happened to Job. But make God your strength, for He is eternal and He is able to hold you up and restore to you everything that has been lost. He is the only One able to make you whole and keep you whole and in His perfect peace.
So we must challenge ourselves and exam ourselves today, and ask the question, what is taking the place of God in my life/heart? Be prepared for God to answer you and convict your heart out of His love for you, on what that may be. It won't be easy. It will be a sacrifice. But it will be one that will reap blessings, favor, and rewards. He will give you what you need to overcome, if you truly wish to change. Christ is the Gift, the Treasure that keeps on giving. God bless.
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