Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Spiritual Pulse Check

The Lord is with you, but are you with Him? Is Jesus/God in a glass case that reads "Break open in case of emergency" in your life? Is He only on reserve for what you want and need? This isn’t to invoke feelings of condemnation, rather think of this as a spiritual “pulse check.”

When God said He is the "Husband" of the church (the Bride/body of believers not a building), He was speaking of an eternal covenant/promise/commitment (Hosea 2:16, Isaiah 54:5). He's not looking for  “weekend visits” or random “hellos”. We must walk with Him, pray to Him, spending time with Him daily in His Word and consider Him in all that we do, think, and say. I’m not saying we'll be perfect at it, because we won't be. But we have to give it our absolute best. Better yet, we have to give HIM our absolute best; which still falls short of what He deserves. How we respond to His leading determines the course of our lives and is vital in the sanctification process of our spirits. Are you thriving or just barely hanging on?

When Jesus comes back for His Bride, will He know you? Will He find your loyalty to something/someone else? Only those who are truly seeking a right relationship with Him, by faith in Him will be known by Him. The others, no matter what they say, no matter what they do, will not join Him in His kingdom (Matthew 7:22-27, Revelation 3:15-17).

We can't just be accepting a good word now and then, smile, check off that we "Like" it on a comment and not do anything about our walk of faith (James 1:22). Even the parable of the sower talks about the different types of people who hear the Word, what they do with it, and what happens as a result (Matthew 13:1-23). In order to receive His peace in our lives and the abundance He promises, we have to submit to Him in ALL areas of our lives. This is also the only way He can effectively use us to do His kingdom work.

We have got to choose to do what is right according to His Word. We have to on purpose, choose Christ over our own selfish desires. We have to consider His holy Name that we represent and are witnesses  to over the popularity and acceptance of our own name and reputation, seeking glory and honor and praise for Him alone. Christ must be #1 in our lives. We can't be posting blessings in one comment and then curses in another, for this does not honor God. Instead, it blurs the lines between what people think is acceptable and unacceptable. The way you can tell a true follower of Christ is by the way they communicate and the way they act. There will be no question about their faith and whom they are loyal to, because it will be evident in their character and the way that they live (Matthew 7:15-20). The work of the Holy Spirit always bears fruit and is evident in the people He inhabits. There will be unmistakable change! God's children are made to "stand out" not "blend in."
So where do you stand in your faith in Christ? Are you in lukewarm waters; playing it safe (which isn’t safe at all)? Are you on fire for Him, bearing the “cross” every day and following Him? There is a difference between acknowledging that He exists and existing to acknowledge Him in all areas of your life. He will only accept the latter. Get right or get left while you still have today. He is always waiting to receive you and forgive you. Seek Him while He may be found.
Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.-Isaiah 55:6